An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization 


Rani Durgawati ,Chowk Front of Court Shop 6 ,Gaurella ,Pendra Road Chattishgrarh - 495117

The Role of World Tribal Integration Foundation

Education and Literacy Programs: Establishing schools, vocational training centers, and scholarship programs to enhance access to quality education among tribal youth.
Healthcare and Wellness Initiatives: Providing healthcare services, nutritional support, and awareness campaigns to improve the health outcomes of tribal populations.
Livelihood Enhancement Projects: Implementing income-generating activities such as agriculture, handicrafts, and eco-tourism to create sustainable livelihood opportunities for tribal households.
Cultural Exchange Programs: Facilitating cultural exchange programs, festivals, and art exhibitions to promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation for tribal heritage.
Policy Advocacy and Research: Engaging in advocacy efforts, research, and policy dialogue to address systemic issues affecting tribal communities and promote policies that uphold their rights and well-being.